As a Firearm Instructor, presenting theory and practical material will form part of your responsibility.
The amount of time you spend presenting training may vary largely on the types of training sessions you will run.
It is important to have solid presentation skills to be able to introduce concepts and theories in an understandable, structured way.
Guns ‘N Roses Firearm Instructor Course is designed to develop these required knowledge and skilled to enable you to do proper Facilitation and Assessment and so much more.
The following Training unit standards will be covered during our Firearm Instructor Course.
- US 123520 Supervise Firearm Training
- US 123516 Supervise Shooting Exercises
- US 115753 Conduct Outcome Based Assessment
- US 116483 Apply Moral Decision Making and Problem Solving Strategies
It is essential that the student have the following unit standards in place before attend our Firearm Instructor Course. We will be able to assist in obtaining the missing requirements in advance. Please contact us for price list and training dates.
- US 117705 Knowledge of the firearms control act
- US 119649 Handle and use a Handgun
- US 119652 Handle and use a Shotgun
- US 119651 Handle and use a Manually operated Rifle
- US 119650 Handle and use a Self-loading Rifle
- US 123515 Handle and use a Handgun for Business purposes
- US 123514 Handle and use a Shotgun for Business purposes
- US 123519 Handle and use a Manually operated for Business purposes
- US 123511 Handle and use a Self-loading Rifle for Business purposes
Each candidate will be required to bring a suitable:
- Handgun (centre fired) with two magazines
- Appropriate mag pouch and holster with belt
- Shotgun (pump-action) 12Ga
- Shotgun Sling and Ammunition belt/holder
- Semi-auto rifle (centre fired) with two magazines
- Bolt action rifle (centre fired)
- Eye and ear protection
- Sunblock, hat and closed shoes
- Stopwatch and whistle
- Four (4) dummy rounds for each firearm
- Ammunition – Handgun (centre fire) – 300 rounds
- Ammunition – Semi-auto rifle (centre fire) – 240 rounds
- Ammunition – Shotgun (pump-action) 12Ga – 100 rounds
- Ammunition – Bolt action rifle (centre fire) – 60 rounds
Ammunition and firearm rental is available at an additional cost.
Please feel free to contact Werner on +27 (0)84 429 4935, for any additional inquiries.